Why have the Japanese been able to shape the tea ceremony into a national morality, an art of living transmitted via the enjoyment of a cup of tea? The Japanese can do it! So can we Vietnamese and even better! With the love and passion for coffee, Tr
Why have the Japanese been able to shape the tea ceremony into a national morality, an art of living transmitted via the enjoyment of a cup of tea? The Japanese can do it! So can we Vietnamese and even better! With the love and passion for coffee, Trung Nguyen Legend Group has assumed the key responsibilities of the world’s coffee industry leader, uplifting the position of Vietnam – home of the best Robusta coffee in the world. In order to prepare for this great mission, Trung Nguyen Legend Group has devoted time and enthusiasm for many years to research on coffee and its influence on all aspects of life, accordingly boosted the value of coffe which is not only an ordinary drink but also at the level of cultural, art and spiritual coffee to “Philosophical Coffee”.
Upon following the series of short movies about “Philosophical Coffee”, viewers will fully and precisely perceive the “spirit of coffee” in the developement process of human history, from summarizing the past, reviewing present and creating the future. Coffee in the creative awakening history of the legendary artist Picasso Pablo Picasso is one of the greatest painters of the 20th century. He is famous for his boundless creativity. He is the founder of Cubism, who creates a resounding creative revolution in the field of painting and sculpture. The Father of Pablo Picasso was an art teacher.
From 7 years old, he was taught about the painting by his father. At the age of 14, Picasso passed the entrance exam to the Barcelona Academy of Art. Only one year later, he had his first solo exhibition at Café Els Quatre Gats. This is considered an important milestone in the great career of Picasso. After the exhibition, Picasso joined the group of Catalan Modernists who activated mainly at the Café Els Quatre Gats. From here, Pablo Picasso became acquainted with the painters Ramón Casas, Santigo Rusiñol, Miguel Utrillo and was influenced by innovative thought, yearning for creative freedom away from academic art.
At the age of 19, Pablo Picasso moved to Paris, France, and spent most of his time creating there. . In the early 20th century, the cafes in Montmartre, Montparnasse was the famous cradle of Western European painting art, . the destination of famous painters of Classicism, Realism, Les Nabis, Impressionism, etc. . Picasso met contemporary masters of painting, was passionate about learning, engaged in different schools, . and experienced it as a journey of the soul to express the inner as well as the human being through painting.. Picasso often went to Le Dôme, La Closerie des Lilas, La Rotonde, Le Select, La Coupole cafes, etc. . He became friends with talented people in many fields of culture and art such as Guillaume Apollinaire, Gertrude Stein, Max Jacob, André Salmon . They all had liberal and innovative ideas and this greatly influenced Picasso’s artistic thinking..
Picasso’s creativity during this period did not stop at a different expression but reached the metaphilosophy of the painting. Meeting in harmony, Picasso and the painter Georges Braque founded Cubism, created a revolution in European painting and sculpture. This is also the foundation for important art movements of the 20th century such as Futurism, Mystic Cubism, Abstractism, etc. Pablo Picasso dedicated his life to creating art and dedicated himself to the idea of building a beautiful world. Picasso be honored as the peace messenger. It is estimated that there are about 147,800 works of art that Picasso made in 78 years which shows that Picasso creates every day.
https://youtu.be/wC8RrQm7H2oWhy have the Japanese been able to shape the tea ceremony into a national morality, an art of living transmitted via the enjoyment of a cup of tea? The Japanese can do it! So can we Vietnamese and even better! With the love and passion for coffee, Tr